Formerly patented, our premium formula makes Longer Diesel Life® (LDL®) the perfect fuel additive for any application; autos, pickups, heavy construction, mining, and farming equipment, generators, locomotive, marine vessels and more. LDL® is a diesel fuel additive and fuel conditioner that reduces fuel costs and increases fuel efficiency by up to 10%. In addition, it reduces emissions and pollution (registered with the EPA).
Protecting Your Bottom Line
LDL® not only pays for itself but it adds to the bottom line by reducing fuel and maintenance expenses. It has a proven track record – having already treated hundreds of millions of gallons of diesel fuel – and is second to none in the fuel additive industry.
Hundreds of Millions of Gallons of Fuel Treated
- Reduce Diesel Fuel Consumption
- Reduce Gasoline Consumption
- Reduce Engine Maintenance Costs
- Reduce Emissions
- Increase Engine Life
Problems Solved
LDL® has proven itself effective in addressing the four major concerns in the diesel fuel industry:
- Reducing fuel consumption (paying for itself and returning a net economic benefit to the consumer).
- Keeping diesel fuel from gelling in extremely cold temperatures.
- Reducing engine maintenance costs and increases the life of the engine (including a lubricity agent).
- Reducing diesel emissions, particulates and opacity (exhaust smoke) released into the atmosphere.
Gasoline Additive
LDL is not just for diesels. It’s a proven, safe, multifunctional additive, effective in motor gasolines. Regular or unleaded, LDL not only increases gas mileage, performance, and efficiency, but its powerful formula includes detergents that help eliminate stuck valves, control combustion chamber deposits, clean and condition the carburetor, intake valves, and fuel injectors.
Global Licensing
In 2016 & 2017, Oil Service Fuels, Inc. (dba: Longer Diesel Life) will be making International licensing agreements available to select entities for the manufacture and distribution of LDL products in strategic locations throughout the world. LDL has identified countries, and regions within, where high levels of diesel pollution exist and much of the diesel equipment is older and receives minimum maintenance. Many of these regions and/or countries receive billions of dollars of assistance for infrastructure projects from various international financial entities.